Leap Your Way into Success in 2013! By: Kathy Andersen

The Troy Show is honored to have Kathy Andersen write for our blog. Her first entry goes a long with an episode we aired a few weeks back. "New Years Resolutions"..We want YOU to master your life in 2013. Here is your guide...

New Years Resolutions Can Be Your Greatest Way to
Leap into Success!

By:Kathy Andersen

The secret to making and keeping great resolutions is to “pause,” step away from the busyness around you, and ask yourself three questions.

1.  What makes you feel most passionate and purposeful?   

TIP: Allow yourself the freedom and space for your greatest passions and most purposeful pursuits to awaken and rise from the depths of you—those things that fill you with excitement, “goosebumps,” and make you feel your most “alive.”  Don’t hold back—give yourself permission to go wild with your passions! These are often the things that are lost in the busyness that fills our days, and that we put aside as “guilty indulgences,” rather than savor as the essential food that fuels our journey through life.

2.  What is the vision for your life?

TIP: Allow your vision to be inspired by your passions and most purposeful pursuits. What would your ideal life look like if it were driven by your passions and purpose? What would surround you? What activities would fill your days? Where would you be? What would you be creating that you could look back upon and say you have spent your life well and used your gifts to the fullest?

3.  If you think of the backpack you need to carry through life to equip you on the path to your vision, which things do you currently carry that no longer serve you and you can leave behind, and which new things do you need to pack that will most help you on your journey ahead?

TIP: Allow yourself to feel the things that weigh you down in your life and drain you of energy. Write them down and find a way to release them from your life. Allow yourself to crave the things you want to take with you as you journey forward. Write them down and find a way to bring them into your life.

The Key Outcome—Your Resolve:

Reflect on your answers above and ask yourself one final question:

What is the one thing you can do today to step closer to where you want to be?

That simple? Yes, that simple!

Resolve to find just one thing you can do today to incorporate your passion and purpose into your day.
Resolve to find the one thing you can do to step closer to your vision.
Resolve to find the one thing can you do to repack the backpack of your life.

If you can give yourself the gift of a pause each day, and resolve to find just one thing you can do in this day, and gift that to yourself every day, you will transform all that is within you, and and all that manifests around you. The resolutions you create for yourself each day will become your greatest steps to success, and soon enough, you will manifest your greatest life.

Essentials To Keeping Your Resolutions:

1.  Commit to 30 days of “one daily resolve.” Before you know it, you will have created the habit of tapping into the most powerful things within you and bringing them into your life every day!

2.  Don’t allow your focus on outcomes stop you from taking the one step you are compelled to take! Simply allow yourself to follow your instincts and desires. When you take steps guided by your inner compass, you will arrive at the right destination, often beyond the outcome you could have imagined, on the journey to fulfill your vision!

3.  Keep it simple! Your one step each day can be the smallest and simplest next step. Don’t create steps that are too big and overwhelming to take in the day you have. Some days you will feel like leaping mountains—do it! Other days you will feel like taking a baby step—take it! Just take one step. The rest will come.

4.  Think of your day as your most delicious recipe. As you discover steps that you want to keep in every day, make time to keep them in each day! Think of them as the essential ingredients in the recipe of your best day. It may be exercising, eating a healthy breakfast, reading some pages of the next book you want to read, taking a quiet walk—things that bring you peace and solitude, that enable your passions to keep rising, your purpose to be strengthened, and your spirit to be renewed.

5.  Be your best and kindest friend. Treat yourself well. Give yourself a break. Trust all that is within you. Know that you are here to be your best self and to live your greatest life!

Happy New Year!


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