He is a community leader, and has served on the Kenosha, WI police force. But Many people may not know the history I have with the guest of this weeks episode Jeff Wamboldt. Jeff handed me my first truancy ticket. I was bullied and harassed in school, and decided not to show up. Jeff, although he did not know it then, changed my life for the better, and I wanted to have closure to that chapter of my life. It is amazing what a little hope and perseverance can do. The Troy Show is all about overcoming odds, this episode encapsulates it.
Jeff and I also talk about the neighborhood watch program, and why he thinks its one of the most successful ways to prevent crime in your neck of the woods.
For more information about the neighborhood watch program please call 262-657-3937 or email them at watch@kenoshapolice.com
HERE To tune in Monday, March 4th and Wednesday, March 6th at 6/5c PM.
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